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2025 Design Trends Forecast & Advice for Designers


Recently, I saw a post by Brett, the founder of Design Joy, predicting design trends for 2025. I felt that many points he made were very accurate, so I spent an hour translating and posting it on my blog for everyone to share.

Predictions by the founder of Designjoy for design trends in 2025 and ten suggestions for designers.

Here is the official website of his studio:

Master Webflow or Framer (or both)#

Brett stated that mastering these two design tools is the best investment he has made in his career.


Focus less on the design process, and more on speed#


For your clients, completing tasks quickly is more important than achieving perfection. Many people can design well, but few can do it quickly and well. The same applies in the fields of software development or AI entrepreneurship, doesn't it?

Taste is a superpower#


Many designers lack this quality, which is having a unique taste. Conversely, if you do not possess this quality, your design journey may be much harder. So, immerse yourself in:
and other sites that expose you to high taste.

Taste cannot be taught; it can only be enhanced by increasing your exposure to works with good taste.

If you need more design inspiration, you can refer to my article:

More "asynchronous" work#

This can make you more creative and frequently break boundaries. DesignJoy (the studio founded by the author) can achieve "0" client meetings, allowing him more time to do more design work, connect with more clients, and earn more money.

Design "subscription" model#

This does not mean starting a design studio, but rather treating your design skills as a service to sell. A fixed design fee in the early stages of a project is a huge selling point for clients and brings additional benefits: no more project quotes!

Let "design systems" go#

Design systems can stifle creativity. The industry tends to overcomplicate and formalize the role of designers, gradually making us like programmers. Design is not a fixed process or system; treat it as an art (I don't fully agree with this part; I suggest dedicating 40% of your energy to design systems to reduce decision-making, while the remaining energy should be for those sudden bursts of creativity).

Build your audience online, even if it's small#


This is a very obvious "cheat code." I can tweet anytime, and one or a few clients will contact me; it's that simple. My advice is to find "your thing" and create 90% of your content around it.

Visual designers are the future#


Not design engineers; those who can implement visual design skills will receive a continuous stream of new projects.

Always firmly step out of your comfort zone#

Are you proficient in web design? Then, okay, go learn the following projects:

3D, Motion, Webflow, or Framer.

No matter how successful you are, you must always keep learning new things and continue to grow.

Empower through multiple fields#


If you can design brands, websites, apps, and marketing content, you will have absolute authority in your business field.

Check out more of my blogs:#

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